
Show HN: AI-native browser game that users can craft unlimited 3D items

stevekwon211 Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Most games have limits. You can only use preset features, need coding for customization & adding mods, require expensive extra devices. We wanted to remove those barriers.

That’s why we are building space zero—a browser based 3D world powered by AI. We plan to build players can freely mix items to generate unexpected creations with unique properties and sounds. Also the world itself is dynamically generated, evolving endlessly.

I uploaded a demo version I’ve been working on for the past month! I hope to get any feedbacks or comments :)

Summary is a decentralized cloud storage platform that allows users to securely store and share their data without relying on centralized servers. The platform utilizes blockchain technology and distributed storage to provide a transparent and censorship-resistant alternative to traditional cloud storage solutions.
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