Show HN: I built an open-source collection of fancy and useless react components
Hi there, friends!
I built a fun side-project called Fancy Components to explore and recreate some of the more unique, funky, unconventional, and sometimes useless UI designs & microinteractions you might see around the web.
Built (mostly) with React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and Motion (formerly Framer Motion).
Just copy the source code into your project, and you’re good to go.
Each component includes examples, demos and also a documentation to help you understand how it works and built.
It’s 100% free and open-source!
Loading Act limits government use of AI
Sudden boost on robotics world wide
What's causing the seemingly rapid improvement in humanoid robotics all of a sudden? Optimus navigating hills effortlessly despite being blind, four-legged wheeled robots performing Cirque du Soleil-level tricks, and robots in China that look straight out of an Overwatch campaign.
Show HN: Spaceport – Low-code tool that executes specs as tests
This is still a proof-of-concept but criticism and comments are very welcome.
I was fed up (and also very inexperienced) writing system and end-to-end tests so I made this. The implementation is a bit convoluted but the basic idea is:
1. An LLM writes the specs based on READMEs, design docs, references, etc.
2. Another LLM turns specs into a Python DSL
3. An interpreter runs the DSL
You may review and edit the outputs of step 1 and 2 in one text file, and fill in necessary info to properly set up the tests (like describing how data should be validated when the data schema is an implementation detail).
- vs. Cucumber/Gherkin - Unlike Cucumber, (ideally) you write minimal code with Spaceport
- vs. Unit/integration tests - This is not a replacement but a complement because unit and integration tests are cumbersome to write in natural language--lots of rigid actions and data schemas