Show HN: Create diagrams of complex data flows in software systems

j0d1Friday, July 26, 2024

The linked article is about a GitHub repository for a tool called "gg", which stands for "git grep". It is a command-line tool that provides a more user-friendly interface for the `git grep` command, allowing users to search through the contents of a Git repository more easily. The repository includes instructions on how to install and use the tool, as well as information about its features and capabilities.


Hazumi post image

Hello HN,

It has been a while since I contributed to the web, so I decided to get back in shape and publish "something".

This app is a POC of "what if diagrams were more dynamic". I'm a software engineer by trade, and with conventional tools, I often times struggle to explain flows of data in complex software systems.

I got inspired by video games like The Incredible Machine and Factorio, as in some ways, software systems tend to become Rube Goldberg-esque machines ;) As a side quest, I also wanted to craft diagrams faster than text-based tools (ex: mermaid), as I am always forgetting their syntax.

If you try the app, you will certainly struggle with its UI, especially when crafting flows, as I used all my brain juice on the core idea. I have cool features in my head for a v1 but today I really wanted to simply show what I got.

You can access the app directly at and there are some examples in the Github README to get you started.

Happy to answer questions and humbly receive your honest feedback on this crazy idea!
