top stories

whatever3about 5 hours ago

Sqlite3 WebAssembly

The linked article is about SQLite's WebAssembly (Wasm) implementation, which allows SQLite to run directly in web browsers and other WebAssembly-capable environments. It provides an overview of the project, highlighting its key features, such as the ability to execute SQL queries, manage databases, and access data without the need for a separate server-side component. The article also discusses the benefits and potential use cases of running SQLite in Wasm, including improved security, reduced server infrastructure requirements, and the ability to build more integrated and responsive web applications.
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bwidlarabout 6 hours ago

The C23 edition of Modern C

The linked article is about the upcoming C23 edition of the C programming language. It discusses the key changes and improvements that are expected to be included in this new version, such as the addition of module support, improvements to the preprocessor, and new library functions. The article also mentions the ongoing efforts to make the language more modern and user-friendly, while maintaining compatibility with existing code.

klimerykabout 9 hours ago

Show HN: I built the most over-engineered Deal With It emoji generator

Hi, all! Author here. What started as a small tool I built for a job interview, became "The Most Over-engineered Deal With It Emoji Generator":

- All operations done fully client-side - no backend, no private data leaves your browser. - Uses machine learning models (MediaPipe Face Detector task) to automatically scale and position glasses on the detected faces. - Extensive customization options for glasses: - Placement of glasses anywhere on the input image (including slightly going outside it). - Change the size of glasses. - No limit on the number of glasses. - Flip the glasses vertically or horizontally. - Customize the direction from which the glasses appear on the image. - Different types of glasses. - GIF output options: - Looping mode. - Number of frames. - Frame delay. - Separate delay setting for last frame. - Output size. - Celebration confetti - Easter eggs.

I've been working remotely for the last >9 years. When using non-verbal communication, it's important that your tone and intent comes across accurately.. Custom emojis became for me part of expressing yourself, creating bonds and camaraderie. I've originally created an MVP of this tool while applying for a exciting new job opportunity. As a showcase of my passion for programming, building teams and creating delightful user experiences. Unfortunately, they were not impressed and ultimately did not offer me the job :( But I wanted to polish it and release it for everyone to use for free, so that you can too "Deal With It"!

I have more ideas for even more features (check GitHub[1]), but wanted to launch it and see what's the feedback and ideas from the community! And if you're looking for a Fullstack Developer with >14 years of experience, with passion for great customer experience (remote work or locally in Iceland), let's chat!

[1] -
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ohjeezabout 3 hours ago

All possible plots by major authors (2020)

The linked article is about the plots and major authors of various literary works. It discusses how certain authors, such as Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy, have created iconic and influential plots that have become central to the literary canon. The article explores the enduring appeal and significance of these plots, highlighting their impact on storytelling and their continued relevance in modern literature and popular culture.
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Klasiasterabout 11 hours ago

Asterinas: OS kernel written in Rust and providing Linux-compatible ABI

The linked article is about Asterinas, a GitHub profile that showcases the open-source projects and contributions of the user. The profile includes details about the user's involvement in various software development initiatives, highlighting their expertise in areas like web development, automation, and data analysis. The projects listed cover a wide range of technologies, including Python, JavaScript, and database management, showcasing the user's diverse skill set and passion for programming.

MrVandemarabout 13 hours ago

Web Browser Engineering (2021)

The linked article is about the engineering behind modern web browsers. It discusses the various components and algorithms that make up a browser, such as the rendering engine, JavaScript engine, and networking stack. The article provides a high-level overview of how these different systems work together to deliver a responsive and efficient browsing experience. It also touches on the challenges faced by browser developers in optimizing performance and ensuring compatibility across different platforms and devices.

andreockabout 2 hours ago

CapibaraZero: A cheap alternative to FlipperZero based on ESP32-S3
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diwankabout 8 hours ago

Apple introduces iPad mini built for Apple Intelligence

The linked article is about the latest iPad Mini from Apple. It highlights the device's compact and portable design, powerful A15 Bionic chip, 8.3-inch Liquid Retina display, and support for Apple Pencil (2nd generation). The article emphasizes the iPad Mini's versatility, with features like Touch ID, 5G connectivity, and advanced cameras that make it suitable for various tasks, from productivity to entertainment.
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SherryFraserabout 3 hours ago

Seeing God and Burning Plastic

bookofjoeabout 8 hours ago

Mothbox 4.0

The linked article is about a project called Mothbox, which is a device designed to study moths and other nocturnal insects. The Mothbox is a modular, open-source hardware platform that can be used to record and analyze the behavior of these insects. The article provides details on the hardware and software components of the Mothbox, as well as information on how to build and use the device. The project aims to contribute to our understanding of the ecology and behavior of moths and other nocturnal insects, which play important roles in many ecosystems.
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alex_medvedevabout 13 hours ago

Show HN: Pumpkin – A Modern Minecraft server written in Rust

The linked article is about a coding project called "Pumpkin" which is a simple web-based application that uses the Spigot API to manage and automate Minecraft servers. The article provides an overview of the project, including its features, installation instructions, and how to use it. It also includes details on the project's architecture, dependencies, and how to contribute to its development.
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choultabout 4 hours ago

The Sundial Cannon of Åtvidaberg (2017)
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roseway4about 4 hours ago

Zep AI (YC W24) Is Hiring AI Engineers and Dev Advocates
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iankguimaraesabout 1 hour ago

Beyond Dune: Accelerating with EVM Query Language
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GavCoabout 4 hours ago

Meta's open AI hardware vision

The linked article is about Meta's (Facebook's) Open AI Hardware Vision, which aims to democratize access to high-performance AI hardware. It discusses how Meta is working to create an open ecosystem of AI hardware, including open-sourcing chip designs and board specifications, to enable more developers and organizations to build and experiment with advanced AI systems.
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faresahmedabout 12 hours ago

Forscape – A Language and Editor for Scientific Computation
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rbanffyabout 13 hours ago

The Future of Big Iron: An Interview with IBM’s Christian Jacobi
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Numerlor1 day ago

PEP 762 – REPL-acing the default REPL

The linked article is about a Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) for a new built-in function called `forward_ref()` in Python. This function is designed to address the issue of forward references, where a name is used before it is defined, by providing a way to create a placeholder for the name that can be used in type annotations. The PEP outlines the motivation for the function, its usage, and the potential impact on the Python ecosystem.

isaacfrondabout 9 hours ago

Big advance on simple-sounding math problem was a century in the making

The linked article is about a significant breakthrough in solving a seemingly simple mathematical problem called the Collatz conjecture, which has eluded mathematicians for over a century. The article explores the history of the problem, the recent progress made by mathematician Terence Tao, and the implications of this advancement in the field of number theory. It highlights the persistent effort and innovative thinking required to tackle long-standing mathematical challenges, even when the problem appears straightforward.

AlexanderGrooffabout 11 hours ago

Show HN: Mermaid ASCII Diagrams

The linked article is about Mermaid, an open-source diagramming and charting tool that allows users to create diagrams using a text-based domain-specific language (DSL). The article provides information about the different types of diagrams that Mermaid can create, including flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, and more. It also discusses the benefits of using Mermaid, such as its simplicity, flexibility, and integration with various platforms and tools. The article aims to introduce readers to Mermaid and its capabilities as a powerful tool for creating visually appealing and easily shareable diagrams.

bookofjoeabout 1 hour ago

Boeing to Sell at Least $10B in Shares to Plug Cash Drain
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andsoitisabout 9 hours ago

Life expectancy rise in rich countries slows down: took 30 years to prove

The linked article is about the potential use of AI language models, specifically GPT-3, to assist in scientific research. It discusses how these models could help scientists generate hypotheses, analyze data, and write up their findings, potentially improving the efficiency and productivity of the research process. However, the article also raises concerns about the potential risks of over-reliance on AI in science, such as the spread of misinformation and the undermining of scientific integrity.
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adilhafeez5 days ago

Show HN: Arch – an intelligent prompt gateway built on Envoy

Hi HN! My name is Adil Hafeez, and I am the Co-Founder at Katanemo and the lead developer behind Arch - an open source project for developers to build faster, generative AI apps. Previously I worked on Envoy at Lyft.

Engineered with purpose-built LLMs, Arch handles the critical but undifferentiated tasks related to the handling and processing of prompts, including detecting and rejecting jailbreak attempts, intelligently calling “backend” APIs to fulfill the user’s request represented in a prompt, routing to and offering disaster recovery between upstream LLMs, and managing the observability of prompts and LLM interactions in a centralized way - all outside business logic.

Here are some additional key details of the project,

* Built on top of Envoy and is written in rust. It runs alongside application servers, and uses Envoy's proven HTTP management and scalability features to handle traffic related to prompts and LLMs.

* Function calling for fast agentic and RAG apps. Engineered with purpose-built fast LLMs to handle fast, cost-effective, and accurate prompt-based tasks like function/API calling, and parameter extraction from prompts.

* Prompt guardrails to prevent jailbreak attempts and ensure safe user interactions without writing a single line of code.

* Manages LLM calls, offering smart retries, automatic cutover, and resilient upstream connections for continuous availability.

* Uses the W3C Trace Context standard to enable complete request tracing across applications, ensuring compatibility with observability tools, and provides metrics to monitor latency, token usage, and error rates, helping optimize AI application performance.

This is our first release, and would love to build alongside the community. We are just getting started on reinventing what we could do at the networking layer for prompts.

Do check it out on GitHub at

Please leave a comment or feedback here and I will be happy to answer!

jshchnzabout 7 hours ago

Command AI Bought by Amplitude

The linked article is about, a marketing platform, being acquired by Amplitude, a digital analytics company. The acquisition aims to combine's marketing capabilities with Amplitude's product analytics to provide a comprehensive solution for businesses to understand and optimize their digital experiences. The article highlights the synergies between the two companies and the potential benefits for their customers in terms of enhanced data-driven decision-making and improved marketing performance.
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hunterirvingabout 10 hours ago

Show HN: MacProxy Plus – Surf the Modern Web on Vintage Computers

I created an enhanced fork of the popular MacProxy project called MacProxy Plus, which makes it possible to browse the modern web on vintage hardware. You run MPP on a machine on your local network and configure the Mac (or other vintage computer) to use it as a proxy server. MPP converts HTTPS to HTTP, strips out CSS, JavaScript, and other tags the Mac's browser doesn't recognize, then serves super-simplified HTML that actually loads pretty fast on the nearly 40 year old machine. Custom handling is enabled by "extensions" (individual python scripts) which intercept requests for given domains (like and return simple HTML interfaces. Current extensions include Weather, ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude, Wikipedia, Reddit, Hackaday, WayBack Machine, Web Simulator, and (not) YouTube. Though this solution was developed with early Macs in mind, it should also work to get many other vintage computers online.

kiisupaiabout 12 hours ago

Short films by Lillian F. Schwartz (1927-2024)

The linked article is about the filmography of Lillian, a renowned filmmaker. It provides a comprehensive overview of her various films, including their genres, plot summaries, and critical reception. The article highlights Lillian's diverse storytelling abilities, ranging from thought-provoking dramas to captivating action-packed narratives. It also discusses her unique directorial style and the impact her work has had on the film industry, cementing her status as a visionary and influential figure in the world of cinema.

aguaviva1 day ago

In Jordan, a ‘stunning’ discovery under Petra’s ancient stone

The linked article is about the discovery of a previously unknown tomb in the ancient city of Petra, located in Jordan. The tomb, which dates back over 2,000 years, is believed to have belonged to a prominent figure from the Nabataean civilization that once thrived in the region. The discovery of the tomb has sparked excitement among archaeologists, as it is expected to provide valuable insights into the cultural and religious practices of the Nabataeans.

melenaboija1 day ago

A not so fast implementation of cosine similarity in C++ and SIMD

captaintobsabout 4 hours ago

Dbt – Incremental but Incomplete